The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is co-organising a Regulatory Reform conference to be held on 22-23 July 2021 in Canberra. The aim of the conference is to build connections between different arms of government and the business community – to share innovative approaches to deregulation, regulatory reform and regulator performance. The conference will address a broad range of practical issues, such as occupational licensing.
We’d be pleased if you were able to attend the conference, whether in person (COVID travel restrictions permitting!) or virtually.
A session has been dedicated to sharing a range of approaches to improve occupational licensing, drawing on case studies from national, state and industrial experience. It will highlight the automatic mutual recognition reforms recently agreed by National Cabinet and discuss their further implementation, including with regulators and the business community. We would welcome your participation in this session and the conference more broadly.
Further information, including on registration options, can be found at: . A ‘virtual attendance’ option is available for the plenary sessions, at a very attractive rate. However, the ‘masterclasses/parallel sessions’, such as on occupational licensing, would require in-person attendance.
Nick Mowbray | Senior Adviser
Deregulation Taskforce
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet